McDonald Steel Corporation has established a $100,000 endowment at Youngstown State University Foundation to provide scholarships to students enrolled in the YSU College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. McDonald Steel executives hope the scholarship will enable recipients to pursue a career here in the Mahoning Valley.

The scholarship is designed for full-time students enrolled in YSU’s STEM college. Preference will be given in the following order: employees of McDonald Steel and their descendants, residents of McDonald and residents of the Mahoning Valley. Incoming freshman must have a minimum 3.0 GPA in high school and placement into at least Math 1513 (pre-calculus). Current YSU students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Enrollment Levels: college freshman, sophomore, junior or senior.

Scholarships will be given annually and may be renewed. Selection will be made by a committee in the STEM college.

Contact Information:

College of STEM – Coordinator, Outreach and Scholarships (330) 941-2884


YSU Foundation (330) 941-3211